Wylie High School

Pirate Debate

Upcoming Events

Debate Tournaments are tentative dates only!  They are not final until 1-2 weeks before the event.  We will do our best to keep the calendar current but your student should know the latest information.

Click here to download the ical format and add events to your personal calendar.

Welcome to Pirate Debate

On behalf of the Pirate Debate Team, I would like to introduce myself and welcome each of you to the 2023-2024 debate season. My name is Barbara Radford and I am the Pirate Debate Coach and Sponsor.

We are one of the highest ranking teams in our 28-school NFL district, we have qualified multiple students to the National Tournament for the last seven years, we have qualified multiple students to the Regional and State level and we ranked in the top 10 percent in the nation for highest number of degrees earned in 2019-2020. I could be a bit biased, but our Pirate Debate Team is AWESOME! So if you are new to the team, please know that you are about to become part of one of the most elite academic families at WHS, in the State of Texas, and in the Nation!!


Barbara Radford
